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Why is Dental Health Important?

Everyone wants a good and healthy smile and maintaining it can be a much more complicated task than regular cleaning and flossing. Your dental health is also responsible for your overall health in many ways, which is why you should meet a dentist regularly for diagnosis and treatment of your teeth or gums.

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Your dental health is linked with your overall health just like any the health of any other part of your body. Your mouth is exposed to the external environment more than any other part or organ. It is the entry point to your digestive and respiratory tracts, which invites bacteria which can cause diseases. If your mouth does not get enough attention, the bacteria can accumulate and cause oral infections such as tooth decay and gum disease. The saliva helps to protect your mouth from any diseases by washing away the food and neutralizing the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. Certain medications such as painkillers, diuretics, and antidepressants can reduce the saliva flow.

Your oral health can prevent several diseases as the conditions linked with oral health care:

Pregnancy and birth complications: Periodontitis has been linked to premature birth conditions and also low birth weight. Contact out Team Dischinger Orthodontics to know more about dental health.

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Endocarditis: It is a condition when the bacteria from any part of your body, such as your mouth gets mixed in the bloodstream and goes to the inner lining of your heart chambers or valves. This bacteria gets attached to certain areas of your heart, causing endocarditis.

Cardiovascular disease: Some studies suggest that oral bacteria can cause infections and inflammations, which can cause heart disease, clogged arteries and strokes. Although is not fully researched dentists suggest precautions for the same.

Pneumonia: Certain bacteria in your mouth can also result in respiratory diseases such as pneumonia as the bacteria can enter your lungs and other organs.

There are certain conditions which also causes infections and diseases to your oral health such as,

Diabetes: It can reduce the immunity to an infection which can damage your gums. Gum diseases have appeared to be common among people who have diabetes. Studies have also shown that bad oral health can affect blood sugar levels, so proper oral health can also reverse and control diabetes.

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Osteoporosis: Tooth loss can be caused due to Osteoporosis, which weakens the bones. The jaw bone and teeth are at risk if a person suffers from this disease.

Alzheimer’s disease: Worsening oral health can be seen as a symptom for growing Alzheimer’s disease.

The other conditions that might be linked to dental health include eating disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, certain cancers and an immune system disorder which causes dry mouth. Get regular dental checkups and diagnose all your problems with a dentist. Tell them about your medications and health conditions so they can assist you better.