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Types of Insurance

Insurance is one things that keeps you covered in any event of emergencies. There are many types of insurance that can cover you different incidents. In this article we will be discussing them for your knowledge.

Life Insurance

Life Insurance is one of the most common type of insurance that one takes. This insurance is taken for the life of the human being. In this type of insurance, the insurer will pay a certain amount which at the time of death or after a certain period one can enjoy the maximum returns. This is one insurance that provides the right kind of protection as it is a kind of investment where you can invest a certain sum which can be returnable at the death or when the expiry period comes.

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General Insurance

General Insurance is one which includes property Insurance, liability insurance and other forms of insurance. There are many insurance that can help you keep your property protected from fire and marine insurance which can make sure that you are covered even with motor, theft and fidelity and machine insurance includes the extent of liability. This is one of the strictest form of liability where the insurer compensates to the loss to the insured when he is under liability at the payment of third party. Visit Frontlight Insurance Services to know more about General Insurance.

Property Insurance

Property Insurance is insured against specific risks. These risks may include things which may include fire and marine perils, thefts or goods damage to the property at the accidents.

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Marine Insurance

This insurance provides the protection against the loss of marine perils which has been caused due to the collision with a rock or ship, attacks by enemies and fire. These perils can cause a lot of damage and destruction to the ship the cargo or non-payment freight. Before, there were only nominal risks that can be insured but today the scope has been divided into two parts from the Ocean Marine Insurance and Inland Marine Insurance. They were formerly insured only the marine perils which can later cover the inland perils which is bound to arise with the delivery of cargo.

Fire Insurance

As the name suggest fire insurance covers fire risks. The fire waste will increase only to the individuals but not to the society. Fire insurance can allow you to deal with losses that arise due to fire and cause some damage to the property and business. fire Insurance does not cover the losses which can have consequential losses to the war risk, turmoil and also riots.

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Liability insurance

This includes in the general insurance which can be insured and is liable to pay the damage of property. This is to compensate for the loss of any persons death. The insurance is seen in the form of fidelity insurance, automobile insurance and machine insurance.